
With That She Smiled

jagged tears on calender pages
silence in the hovering air sinks
stacked away her fading pictures
the tv in its constant running

three times three
that's nine grandchildren
third son's first is two years older
when will she be back from melbourne
it don't matter, as long as it's worth

her curves and creases
deepening as her fading pictures
with which her stories like echoes sing
and i'd still be listening


Anonymous said...

what is the smell of this scene?

pam ting said...

it didnt smell like anything significant.i was engrossed with her stories...

Anonymous said...

i smell powder (lavender or rose?), cooking, home cooked food, laundry? kitcheny smells,

at least, what you wrote made me imagine these details

pam ting said...

it was absent what should have been...