frog leg porridge@dunman directions:dunman food centre along the same road as tkgs second floor,corner unit called dragon something price range:$15/2 pots of frog leg & porridge.feeds 2 pams recommended by:a ting family favourite
it's times like these i question myself whether my money spent pursuing an education is worth it. i thought i put in enough effort in this exam to say safely/confidently that it'll help pull my horrifying GPA up. but nope.still not working. then i asked skinny latte if im stupid and she said no. so what AM i good at? and does anyone in SMU know what this feels like?
on a lighter note, here's my lizard model who posed specially for my purple and white blog
since i spend half my life eating i figured i shld recommend some of my favs today's recommendation: kway chap at the start of liang seah street directions: enter from the bugis junction side it's a corner coffee shop that has red walls stall that sells duck rice but has the most amazing kway chap price range: approx S$5/ person recommended by: becky
wat are miranda,josh,duan & chiching so afraid of?
MANCHI! sheng & fush the mush at cafe vic(carlton hotel) free flow sashimi,oysters chocolate fondue,blueberry meringue barbeque squid,sausages,ham for S$32+++ abit pricey but worth it if ure thinking of chilling with 16 other ppl
i saw two bottles of beer in the fridge and i got worried u only drink when ure upset but ure sleeping already so i couldnt ask if u were ok our love for each other is weird but real u knw i love u, i dont doubt that u love me too and i would protect u with my life i dont think u knw that but i would thanks for the gift u bought for teh gao i really appreciate ur willingness to love the one i love even in tiny little gestures and as u sleep, i say a little prayer that Daddy will protect u the way i want to but am incapable of i love u, sleep tight.
i cant explain the way you make me feel everytime that you tell me that you love me and you know you did so many times just when i thought that love could never be a part of me that's when you came along you showed me happiness baby you are the best i think you're different from the rest and i really love you
tell me it's real this feeling that we feel tell me that it's real dont let love come just to pass us by try,is all we have to do it's up to me and you to make this special love last forever more k-ci & jojo- tell me it's real
the traumas of an SMU student. why we are the way we are. rushing econometrics proj.flea trying to be afghan. top of the table touchies but SMU is worth the stress. DINNER AT LOW AIK MENG'S miranda,me,d at proj low's place. of course,andrew. and the lovely touch girls.