
no greater love than this

bible study msg:
noah's ark landed on mount ararat,
ararat means the curse is reversed!
in the jewish calender,
this happened on the 17th day of the 7th month
the same day, about 2000 yrs later,
Jesus rose again from the dead
and because He rose again,
the curse is reversed!
my depression is a curse

caregroup msg:
i am God's beloved
only when i know that i am God's beloved
then can i expect good things in my life
i have forgotten how much God loves me
forgotten how much He did for me
now i remember.

today's msg:
his son left him like i left my Daddy
but instead of punishing him or abandoning him
he ran to him, gave him the best robes and killed the fatted calf for him
my Daddy runs to me, gives me His riches and killed Jesus for me.
He still loves me.

every msg this week was as if God is reminding me again and again
that He still loves me, that i should turn to Him
not run away from Him
that He wants to embrace me
not hurt me
that He is my friend
not my enemy

There is no greater love than this.

Iced tall vanilla latte told me today
"give me back the pam i used to know ok?
she was happy, funny, hopeful, my support, joy, love, encouragement"
i said ok.

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