ure the kind:
who'll take my hand while ure driving
and make me change the gears
who'll lean over at the traffic stop
and get honked when the lights turn green
who'll leave the prawn for last
only to offer it to me
who'll do a skippidy-doo in the middle of orchard road
even when u feel embarrassed
who'll rehearse a presentation with me halfway
and dance silly to the video song
who'll believe that there's a crocodile in the canal when i say so
and stare for 5mins, asking where?
who'll wind down the window and challenge a cheeko ah pek
at the traffic junction
who'll take me to eat crab bee hoon
just to cheer me up
who'll call for heh heh everytime i get moody
to summon help
who'll anoos fight with me till we laugh and cry
and get angry
who'll watch TMNT with me and fight over who's leonardo
and finally give in to me and settle for donatello
ure the kind...
the best kind.
happy 17th months.
update! since your exams are over! =D yes, renn's using the computer illegally.
hahaa, in school la.
awww...this is really sooo sweet!
missing my roomies! flea.
awwww so sweet!
eh, u never go to kl!missed u leh.
and ur laptop how?fixed?
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