the 马当路 girls met up today and we REALLY miss 上海, where ure at
sam and i noticed that amy is the same as always,
she discovered that the walnut milk is in singapore before everyone else
and carries a truckload of junk food with her wherever she goes
we also discovered, amy is psychic (grin, tell u abt it somewhere not so public)
samo's laughter is slightly softer...
it is, perhaps, to suit the generally lower volume at which people
speak in singapore.
we're meeting up to play mahjong next friday and your rightful place
as the fourth 角 will be missed and replaced by...RONALD MAC! (j/k)
ben la (hopefully).
jesso, we miss u and this is from us...
(tried to take the bugis fountain but i think we were blocking it)
*look at samo's trendy malaysian haircut! real nice...
pam also observed that sam is still the same... creates a mess everywhere!
(and i only had so much junk food on me cos they kept giving out freebies at cca day!!! hmph.)
but gd ol' pam helpfully ate it all up...
we miss you jes!! was there and nobody was going to eat it (i offered!). oh yes and sam unpacks her entire bag wherever she goes, as if she's moving in, creating a mess... siiiigggghhhh.missing madanglu like crazy.dont forget our shanghai 2010 pact.
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