
Mach is alive!

last night, steph unknowingly sent me a virus
i dont blame u steph
those buggers who have nothing else to do but create viruses ought to rot
mach(my laptop) was terribly sick so i brought him to the doctor (CIT)
they couldnt cure mach cuz they said his model is too new
so i called fujitsu and they said they'll reformat him for $50
one of the doctors suggested i tried it myself at home with some disk
before sending mach to the specialists
so i did

guess what?
mach's fine now!
i saved him!
im so happy!

but here's what i've concluded:
fujitsu must have sent the virus
so that they can charge me $50 for inserting a disk that i possess, into mach
and make it seem like they're the computer whizzes

*special thanks to shuffle for helping back up my documents;
what would i do without your 1 gig of memory space?
and eunice who waited with me for the doctors to diagnose mach's problem


Q said...

u really made my smile like an idiot after reading this entry. Way to go. by the way, i tink i've got a nice name for my shuffle. tell u soon.

Anonymous said...

Why is your laptop called mach? eew. mine (buddy billy chen) is much better. anywya u have a fujitsu? good going! think i am going to have to kill buddy billy as he is giving me lots of problems tho.
so tired! miss ya sung.