
do u remember?

does anyone keep memories the way i do?
they are alive in my head,
living in me

do u remember when we sat on the boulder
at east coast park and spotted a bouquet of flowers
stuck between the rocks and wondered
wat happened between the giver n receiver of the flowers?

do u remember when we took our shoes off
and raced to the LOVE at parkmall,
spun around the lamp post
and walked backwards at the traffic junction
in front of all the cars?

do u remember when u made me meet u at the thing at heeren
and i didnt knw wat u were talking about,
just to walk me to a tree at somerset
made me look on the ground at the saga seeds
and picked one for me?

do u remember how we wanted to rehearse our dance routine
and i was supposed to spin into ur arms
but u spun as i was spinning and we collided into each other?

do u remember?do u remember?do u remember?
because till today,
im still living those memories
and collecting more

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