
Lord, help me!

i need to start living my life again
knowing that there's something im living for
a purpose,some goals perhaps
been so stretched recently but
i was the closest to snapping today
walked into starbucks
and even a dbl tall cappuccino didnt make me feel better
now when that happens,i know it's serious
so i downed it
i didnt savour it,i downed it just so i consumed my $5.50
didnt even bother licking the foam from the sides of the cup
i sat at the bus stop not knowing wat bus i was waiting for
and for that split moment in time
my world collapsed
everything screwed up
then i opened my mouth and cried in desperation
Lord, help me!
and it was as if He dropped everything he was doing
from feeding the hungry in Ethiopia
to moulding new stars for the galaxy
He dropped everything and came to my rescue
my solutions fell in my lap
the universe around me regained its form
and once again,i am back on my two feet
breathing easy
why didnt i cry for help earlier?


Anonymous said...

hehe.. starbucks. i haven;t been there in so long after we got our expresso machine.
i need to make an emergency phonecall up there too man. boo. -sung

pam ting said...

sung,u dont knw how much i miss u.truly.i hope all is well on ur side of the planet.will send out ur snail mail reply soon: )love.