last day in singapore
the nations unite
we held hands on the streets
we meet
when you touched my body
but felt my soul
our eyes sang songs of desire
we painted our lips
with sweet smelling fire
that once merged sent my soul
escaping through my mouth
but that teardrop rushed down my face
leaving a dampness sharp with pain.
its orange melt into a glaze to
lift her gloom
in darkness shine a dreary blur
ah, look the moon
update for jesso
the 马当路 girls met up today and we REALLY miss 上海, where ure at
sam and i noticed that amy is the same as always,
she discovered that the walnut milk is in singapore before everyone else
and carries a truckload of junk food with her wherever she goes
we also discovered, amy is psychic (grin, tell u abt it somewhere not so public)
samo's laughter is slightly softer...
it is, perhaps, to suit the generally lower volume at which people
speak in singapore.
we're meeting up to play mahjong next friday and your rightful place
as the fourth 角 will be missed and replaced by...RONALD MAC! (j/k)
ben la (hopefully).
jesso, we miss u and this is from us...
(tried to take the bugis fountain but i think we were blocking it)
*look at samo's trendy malaysian haircut! real nice...
my motherland
but i dont recognise the faces
nor the accent in the english we speak
the politeness of the people
and the quietness on the clean, orderly streets...
i miss her beauty and her vibrance
the way she sings and dances in the night sky
her rawness shamelessly displayed
her warmth that causes me to cringe in pain
as i leave...
i miss u,
was i truly born of a another?
may15th - aug13th (aug 20th?)
i'll be at
baby in bollywood (there's a ring to that, say it!)
ate your favourite scrambled eggs (of which you need me to salt and pepper)
with shrooms and hamsteak
+mocha ice
then i complained and sulked
and you'll laugh at me being a moody cow
then you got nagged at to put your impt things deep in the bag
in case of theft
and then we said goodbye
bye and be safe
i love u.
happy-no-more-but-happy night
smelling china
to a place so unfamiliar, with no place to stay (yet)
and no faces that i knew before
but yet excitement drowns apprehension.
in 23years, it's my first trip abroad on my own
do i smell freedom? u bet.
11weeks will fly by, i knw
but im determined to make every min of it count
of course at times, im just gonna let time march pass me
(which is something i must learn too)
but mostly, im gonna try to embrace china
like a desert sheep on lush green grass
(whatever that means)
funny how the boy is going to india in 5 days
(im excited for u!)
so we're gonna start by helping him pack :)
although he was reluctant to let me help cuz when i packed for
our 5days trip to hongkong, i got all moody
for fear of forgetting something i need.
"imagine u packing for a 3months stay abroad!" says he.
but as i think about my trip, all my gut is curving upwards into a smile
i feel kinda "suaku" but after this, i am a turtle no more!
define happiness
with talks of future adventure
you brought me to a different place
or painted for me a different-place picture
our history before us
brings little excitement
while the journey ahead
packages apprehension
still, we step out
for we fear more what we're sure of
at this moment, forth,
too coward to right the wrong
two of us, we're the same,
we walk this path, this round
but, i wish someday
you'll define happiness
as something you have found
ure the kind...

ure the kind:
who'll take my hand while ure driving
and make me change the gears
who'll lean over at the traffic stop
and get honked when the lights turn green
who'll leave the prawn for last
only to offer it to me
who'll do a skippidy-doo in the middle of orchard road
even when u feel embarrassed
who'll rehearse a presentation with me halfway
and dance silly to the video song
who'll believe that there's a crocodile in the canal when i say so
and stare for 5mins, asking where?
who'll wind down the window and challenge a cheeko ah pek
at the traffic junction
who'll take me to eat crab bee hoon
just to cheer me up
who'll call for heh heh everytime i get moody
to summon help
who'll anoos fight with me till we laugh and cry
and get angry
who'll watch TMNT with me and fight over who's leonardo
and finally give in to me and settle for donatello
ure the kind...
the best kind.
happy 17th months.
exam week
i take too many things into my own hands
often more than i can handle
and teh gao notices i get "mang zang" when i
have too many things to do.
April 21-23rd: KL trip with econs gang
Somewhere in September: Exchange to Italy
(didnt get bocconi so the boy & i are going to LIUC- the NTU of milan in jz's words)
havent got a to do list nor a packing list.
(pulls hair)
and guess what?
it's the exam week...
are you a real foodie?
- what does food mean to you?
- it keeps me alive
- it gives me energy
- it takes my mind off things
- it gets me high
- after you've had something really good to eat...
- "i'm full"
- "that wasn't too bad"
- "wow, that was actually quite good"
- you talk about it, you dream it, you crave for it,you plan when to go back for more
- your friend's just told you about a good place to eat...
- "really?" and forget about it the next second
- "oh ok, will try it someday" and never do
- "oh ok, will try it someday" and try when you pass by
- "really?" and google it, find out the address, call up to make reservations and go try it
- your country is
- a geographic location
- a nation with family, friends and potential friends
- a mix of shopping places, food places, people's homes, etc.
- a place landmarked by good food places
- you're meeting friends for dinner, you're given the honour of picking a place to eat. you choose…
- Marche because it can sit all 10 of us
- NYDC because it reminds you of your college hang out days
- Glutton Square at Esplanade because Makansutra recommends it
- Mel Ben Crabs because it sits 10 of us, it gathers people, Makansutra recommends it,& you've tried it, loved it, dreamt about it and know your friends will like it
- you are to your friends
- a practial person
- a sentimental person
- a hospitable person
- an eating person
- you are going on a trip overseas, you
- check out the cheapest hotel rates and airfare
- find out if you have friends living there
- check out the places of interest,including food places
- find out where the recommended food places are, write down the address,& check out where it is on the map
- you wake up in the morning, and you crave for something in particular, you
- eat something else because you saw it first and you're hungry
- eat something else because it is too inconvenient to get what you crave
- think about it and see if you can get it sometime this week
- think about it, google it at work, look at it, go get it immediately during lunch
- on average, how often do you think about food in a day?
- only when I'm hungry
- just before meals
- 3 or 4 times
- what shall we eat?
- do you think you're a foodie?
- huh? what's that?
- hmmm…
- sometimes
- what shall we eat?
10-20: you eat to live
21-30: you're a soft core foodie
31-40: HARD CORE!lets go eat!
be still
ever before my eyes'
this is my prayer,
make it my strong desire.
that in my secret heart
no other love competes.
no rival throne survives
and i serve only you
remembering tomorrow
we dreamt of lives we would mould
with our love for us; "for you".
shoved away as our days unfold;
the promises we kept to ourselves
"i must behave like this," became old
today i return to being selfish.
our dreams still far from being cold
yet we choose to ignore what they hold
for us; "for you"
what happens when they remain untold
unreminded of, until our pride crushes
them to tears and sorrow?
let us remember tomorrow.
in need of a kitty
of putting videos up cuz they take some time to load
but this one, uve gotta check out!
super cute!
somebody, PLEASE, buy me a kitten!
Lines on a Young Lady's Photograph Album
At last you yielded up the album, which,
Once open, sent me distracted. All your ages
Matt and glossy on the thick black pages!
Too much confectionery, too rich:
I choke on such nutritious images.
My swivel eye hungers from pose to pose –
In pigtails, clutching a reluctant cat;
Or furred yourself, a sweet girl-graduate;
Or lifting a heavy-headed rose
Beneath a trellis, or in a trilby hat
(Faintly disturbing, that, in several ways) –
From every side you strike at my control,
Not least through these disquieting chaps who loll
At ease about your earlier days:
Not quite your class, I'd say, dear, on the whole.
But o, photography! as no art is,
Faithful and disappointing! that records
Dull days as dull, and hold-it smiles as frauds,
And will not censor blemishes
Like washing-lines, and Hall's-Distemper boards,
But shows the cat as disinclined, and shades
A chin as doubled when it is, what grace
Your candour thus confers upon her face!
How overwhelmingly persuades
That this is a real girl in a real place,
In every sense empirically true!
Or is it just the past? Those flowers, that gate,
These misty parks and motors, lacerate
Simply by being over; you
Contract my heart by looking out of date.
Yes, true; but in the end, surely, we cry
Not only at exclusion, but because
It leaves us free to cry. We know what was
Won't call on us to justify
Our grief, however hard we yowl across
The gap from eye to page. So I am left
To mourn (without a chance of consequence)
You, balanced on a bike against a fence;
To wonder if you'd spot the theft
Of this one of you bathing; to condense,
In short, a past that no one now can share,
No matter whose your future; calm and dry,
It holds you like a heaven, and you lie
Unvariably lovely there,
Smaller and clearer as the years go by.
-philip larkin, 18th September 1953